ZGCTA Member Units


The Beijing Academy of Social Sciences (BASS) is an comprehensive social sciences research institution affiliated with the CPC (Communist Party of China) Beijing Municipal Committee and the People’s Government of Beijing Municipality. It was formerly known as Beijing Institute of Social Sciences, which was founded in August 1978.

In January 1986, the Institution was renamed Beijing Academy of Social Sciences.

The Beijing Academy of Social Sciences (BASS) insists on the principle of developing “A Think-Tank for Decision-Making”, “A Leading Academic Institution” and “A Social Think-Tank”.

Meanwhile, BASS persists in developing a leading local academy of social sciences based on the “four build-ups and one endeavor” principle, which is elaborated as follows: 1. Build up well a think tank affiliated with the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee and the People’s Government of Beijing Municipality and make sure it is trustworthy, useful, and indispensable; 2.Build up well the theory base for the sinicization of Marxism and make sure it is progressive, innovative, and productive; 3. Build up well the major base for prosperity and development of the philosophical and social sciences studies in Beijing and make sure it is influential, creative, and expressive; 4. Build up well a new-type think tank and make sure it is relentless, reputable and competitive; 5. In terms of holistic perspective of work arrangement and long-term development, endeavor to be in line with international standards and reach the first-class level in China.

BASS now consists of 14 institutes (and centers), 1 postdoctoral research station, 2 private research institutes, 2 editorial departments, 1 library & information center, 7 functional departments, and 12 research bases ( and centers).

As of the end of October 2015, BASS has 234 in-service staff and 190 retirees.

Specifically, 79% of the in-service staff are made up of 184 scientific researchers. Among them, 120 have a PhD, 46 have a Master’s degree , and 13 are postdoctoral researchers. In terms of job titles, there are 25 researchers, 74 associate researchers, 64 employees with the intermediate title, 20 directors and 29 deputy directors.

In the case of honors, 24 researchers of BASS have been granted the Special Government Allowances of the State Council, 3 specialists were honored with the title “Expert with Outstanding Contributions in Beijing”, 13 researchers were selected for the Beijing Social Sciences Theoretical Talents Hundred Talents Project, 4 researchers were selected for New Century Millions Talents Project of Beijing, and 3 were selected for the “Four Batches” of Theoretical Talents.

In the process of building a first-class local academy of social sciences, BASS has been consistent with core decision-making, social needs, and people’s lives in research, strengthening communication, broadening horizons with its basic disciplines consolidated and developed, application and countermeasures discipline taking positive effect, and the research of characteristic disciplines striking a line for itself. Therefore, a batch of academic monographs with high theoretical level and application value were produced, such as “General History of Beijing”, “Research Series on Chinese Ancient and Modern Official Ethics”; the sponsored newspaper “Take a Glance” of BASS proposed suggestions like building a world-class city, refining the spirit of Beijing, building a new-type think tank in the capital, which provided a large amount of reference information for the decision-making of the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee and the People’s Government of Beijing Municipality and have had an significant impact on society; various research forums on headquarters economy, social management, urban issues, and Manchuology studies have been held, which have exerted great influence in the academic community.

Since its establishment, BASS has published over 1,000 academic monographs, over 10,000 papers, over 1,000 research reports, and a large number of other forms of research results.

BASS has played an active role in several aspects, including advancing the Sinicization, modernization, and popularization of Marxism, in developing the system of core socialist values, in serving the decision-making of the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee and the People’s Government of Beijing Municipality, and in building Beijing as a world-class city and new-type Beijing think tank, having greatly enhanced the decision-making influence, academic influence and social influence of the social sciences.


Our website is: http://www.bass.org.cn/